Sunday, December 5, 2010

Busy Birdhouse Building

Never Quiet Never Soft has an art show in the works.
(I think I've hinted at it before)
It's going to be big.
I'm hard at work on it right now,
and it's not even happening till March.
I went to Ryan's today,
where we got to work on some power sawing,
staple shooting, and gorilla glueing.
Sawdust was in the air, and we set off multiple fire alarms.

It would have been a manly scene for sure,
but I'm super jumpy little baby when using the pneumatic staple gun.
That, and we were there to make birdhouses.
Big thanks to Ryan for all his help
(as always),
and for letting NQNS take over his basement for the next couple months.
I'm not sure he knows that's the plan,
but it's cool, I didn't just spill the beans.
He doesn't have internet in his new place yet.

Saturday I tattooed my butt off,
and one of the things I worked on was finishing this owl tattoo.
It's one of those awkward half healed, half fresh tattoo photos,
but I'll do that 'hoping for a better shot later' while I post this version.

I'm not sure where my weekend went,
but it's back to work tomorrow.
Well, tattoo shop work.
(every weekend is going to be a working weekend for a while....)

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