My wonderful RL sister(Cherelle Capra of [CIRCA]) gifted me this petite avatar upon my arrival to the new sl. It was a big and scary concept to me, mesh hitting the grid, and how it would effect my store, but alas, this little creature made me feel a bit better.
With so few designer making things for these little mesh avatars, it wouldn't easy to make up a post on them, or so I had thought. Luckily I was pleasantly surprised, and did find enough things to clog up FreeStyle for a little bit, with all the epic tiny person cuteness!

The dress is from Evie's Closet. As with all her work, it is wonderfully crafted, the only issue being that the prim sleeve pop off when I have my hands on, and a girl needs her hands to do stuff, you know? In the pic below you will see the puff sleeve, with a handless(though you can't see) Helena. These little avis have a skin tint hud, which I had a tonne of fun with to get the right look for this set of shots.
The little mouth heart noms is a little gift from Heartistic. Little balls of light poof out of the noms, whih give you an even more mystical feeling while finding a flowerpot to live in.
DV8 also has joined the Petites bandwagon, and put out a bunch of outfits this week. Vasha was ever so kind as to make a gift, which are the bracelets I am wearing.
Last but not least is my fav find. I LOOOOOOOOOOVE eyes, so when I saw these I was so happy to have something easily accessible for my lil new me. You get 3 different colours in this generous gift from Painfully Divine. Each one went with the outfit, but I love the gold the best.
I have so much more to show you guys, so look out for a new petites post soon!
*Flies off to make more mini hairs*

Bracelets -
DV8 - Deathrock Bracelets -
FREE (Instore Gift)